Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Its that time of year, the food, the gifts, the sress and hustle and bustle. Family dinners, often twice a day (!?) When did our family get so big? Driving back and forth across the city delivering gifts. Whom have I forgotten this year? Are we sending out christmas cards? Are we giving something to the plumber? Finding a dress for christmas eve, buying food, shuffeling snow, trying to get the car to start... It it too much?

This morning I lit a fire in the fireplace, and poured my morning coffee. I put on som soothing jazz and then I took in the christmas tree and placed it by the window in my livingroom. And as it warmed, the smell from the tree came towards me, and like a delicate touch it caressed me, relaxed me and remided me of christmas past, the ones in my childhood. And suddenly there was no more stress.

Merry Christmas!

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