Monday, 6 October 2008

I love the smell of autumn

I love the smell of autumn as it rests upon my windowsill waiting and wanting for me to let it in. And as I do so, it pours in to my house, my home, and fills me with a sense of calm as I inhale. Exhale.

Fills me with yellow, and orange and bright, burning red. Fills me with fallen leaves, naked trees and frostbitten mould. Cradles me in a felling of standstill were the heat and light of summer has passed and the cold innocence of winter is yet to come.

It smells smoky, wet and cold. It smells of earth. It smells of change and flaming October. If I could I would open all my windows and let autumn in. I would open my front door and let the wind push autumn inside. In my living room we would dance around and around with our arms held out and our face to the sky as the leaves of autumn would colour the world around us. I love the smell of autumn.


id said...

nå må du skrive igjen snart :)

Sozol said...

joda.... jeg må bare ha en følelse å skrive om først! ;)
Dessuten er det så gøy å surfe rundt og lese andres. Du må ta en titt på photo-bloggen jeg har funnet!